Exploratory excavations inside the early medieval temple of Yereruyk

As part of the program for the improvement and strengthening of the early medieval temple of Yereruyk, a joint Armenian-French expedition of the Scientific Research Center for Historical and Cultural Heritage (head of the expedition Arman Nalbandyan) and the University of Lumer Lyon 2 (archaeological laboratory: program managers Daniel Martinez, Patrick Tonapetyan), with the assistance of the Shirak Museum of Local History, conducted exploratory excavations inside the early medieval (IV-V centuries) temple of Yereruyk. In the area of the excavated pits, the main rock was exposed, and a small number of ceramic fragments were found.
Scanning and monitoring works were also carried out in the area of the temple and adjacent areas.
Let us remind you that the work of strengthening the temple started back in April-May of this year and continues intensively these days. The completion of this stage of works is scheduled for in October.