Monument of friendship between Armenian and Arab peoples

The monument is located on the shore of Yerevan Lake, not far from the USA Embassy.
The construction was initiated by the representative of the Armenian community of Damascus, Varuzhan Salatyan, back in 1997. The official opening of the monument took place in 2012. More than 200 philanthropists and charitable organizations from Armenia and the diaspora (Syria, the USA, France, Russia, etc.) supported the cause. It is the expression of the gratitude from all Armenians to the Arab world of Syria and the Middle East in general, which provided help to the Armenians who narrowly escaped the Armenian Genocide in Turkey. The authors of the monument are brothers Levon, Smbat, Rafik and Sergey Mkrtchyan.
On the western façade of the monument is carved the inscription “1915”, and depicts a flock of birds.
On three slabs installed on the northwestern side is written in Armenian, Arabic and English:
TO THE ARAB PEOPLES”.There is a bench with the inscription in three languages on the left side of the platform:
“IN MEMORY OF VARUZHAN SALATHEAN”.There is a basalt fountain at the entrance. The platform is paved and fenced. The monument is built from Armavir red tuff. The height of the monument is about 12 m.