“Revival” memorial complex, monument of the heroic battle of Bash-Aparan

The memorial complex is dedicated to the Great Armenian Genocide in Turkey, the heroic battle of Aparan and the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War.
It is located in Aragatcotn region, 1.5 km from Aparan city, on a hill, on the left side of the highway from Aparan to Spitak.
The monument was built in 1974-1979 according to the project of the People’s Architect of the USSR Rafael Israelyan, with the efforts of his son, architect Areg Israelyan, stone masters Hayk Hovannisyan, Aghabek Papikyan and others.
On the reverse side of the memorial is engraved: “ETERNAL GLORY TO THE HEROES WHO DIED FOR THE FATHERLAND”. On the opposite east side, the monument has a three-altar composition, with memorial columns standing in front of each. The first one is engraved. “TO THE MARTYRS OF THE GREAT GENOCIDE”, in the lower part of which there are sculptures with floral motifs, bowed leaves and on one of them, a dove with its head bowed down. The second memorial column, which is sword-shaped, is engraved “TO THE HEROES OF THE BATTLE OF APARAN”, and on the third: “TO THE PEOPLE from APARAN WHO DIED IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR in 1941–1945 YEARS”. In the centre of the upper part of this column, in a circular frame, there are plant and geometric ornaments.
At the left end of the monument is carved: “CONSTRUCTED BY THE PEOPLE’S ARCHITECT RAFAYEL ISRAYELYAN: 1974-1979”.
The memorial is made of black tuff, paved with basalt tiles.
On May 28, 2000, the remains of Drastamat Kanayan (Dro), the leader of the heroic battle of Aparan, were buried on the western outskirts of the Vozrozhdenie Memorial complex. . The grave has the appearance of a basalt pyramid.