1/3 Buzand Str., Yerevan 0010, RA
In 2024, the excavations of the “newly discovered” complex hollowed out of the rock near the village of Ohanavan, Aragatsotn region of the Republic of Armenia were rescue in nature, as the latter was discovered during earthworks by the owner of the area.
The excavations made it possible to discover a magnificent two-storey early medieval building in the Kasakh Gorge: upper and inner halls, a hermit’s cell, economic structures, images of crosses, and other finds: metal coins, glass cup fragments, cultural and religious items.
The works and findings are presented by Mher Khechoyan, archaeologist of the Scientific Research Center of the Historical and Cultural Heritage and head of the expedition.
Presented by Mher Khechoyan, archaeologist and expedition leader of the Historical and Cultural Heritage Research Center.