1/3 Buzand Str., Yerevan 0010, RA
Shengavit is the most famous and well-studied multi-layered, 4 meters deep Early Bronze Age monument in Armenia, occupying an irregular oval-shaped platform with an area of 6 hectares. The settlement was surrounded by a mighty wall built of rough stones. Under the wall, on the northern side, a paved underground passage leading down to the Hrazdan river was discovered, and the tomb field extended beyond the wall. The structures of Shengavit testify to both the persistence of centuries-old building traditions and certain progress in construction. Since August 2000, studies have been conducted by a joint Armenian-American archaeological expedition led by archaeologist Hakob Simonyan.
Currently, the ancient site represents interconnected dwellings with round or square bases, and sloping and narrow streets.
Details are presented in the video material.